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How to Control a Dog Who is Always Hungry: Tips and Advice

No matter how much you feed them, some dogs seem to be continuously hungry, as any pet owner knows. It can be difficult to control their ravenous appetite and make sure they're receiving the proper nutrition. We'll give you some sound guidance on how to handle a dog who always seems to be hungry in this post.

What to Do if Your Dog is Always Hungry

My dog is always hungry, what do I do?

Take note of these tips and start controlling your pet's appetite!

1. Don't give in to blackmail

If your dog is insatiable the first thing you should do is not succumb to his emotional blackmail when he asks for more food.

Yes, we know that it is difficult to resist those eyes, but it is very important that you respect the doses of food that correspond to them.

Failure to do so would end up seriously damaging the health of your dog, as it would end up being overweight.

If unfortunately this has already happened, you should pay a lot of attention and choose the best food for overweight dogs.

2. Offer them the type of food that suits their needs

Not only should your pet be offered the indicated daily dose of food, but that food must be appropriate to their physical characteristics and needs.

For example, it won't do any good to give one or another gram of feed a day to your 7 year old Golden Retriever, if it's a Yorkshire Terrier puppy feed - their needs are not the same!

If you've got the wrong food, it's normal for your dog to be hungry all the time. You're not feeding him the way you should!

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3. Always quality food

Another reason why my dog is always hungry is that we are not giving him quality food.

The higher the quality of our pet's food, the more nutrients and vitamins it will have, making it easier for it to fill up without overflowing.

4. Accustom your dog to eat more slowly

You throw food at your dog. You blink. There's no more food. Yes, it is very normal in gluttonous dogs and the worst thing is that speed prevents them from feeling satiated.

The best thing is that you gradually get your pet accustomed to eating more slowly and for this there are certain feeders that can help: there are dosers and others with an interior shape that prevents them from devouring quickly.

5. Mixing feed with moist food

For this, it is first advisable to consult a veterinarian if it is appropriate in the case of your particular dog.

If you give the Ok to this way of feeding your dog, you can use it to satiate your dog more quickly.

Read also: Can Dogs Eat Canned Tuna?

6. Exercise and fun

There are many people who, when bored, simply eat. Boredom anxiety can also happen to your pet, so if your dog is always hungry, ask yourself if he's doing all the exercise he's entitled to and if he has toys at home to entertain himself.

On the other hand, a dog that does a lot of exercise will need a higher calorie intake. If the intensity of your dog's training has increased, you'll also need to increase his dose of food. Consult a specialist!

7. Limit prizes and snacks

It is very normal that when your hairy one deserves it receives a small prize in the form of a dog candy. But it is also very common that before a food claim, we end up giving him from time to time a snack to try that he calms down. Mistake!

If you do it more than once, your dog will associate the claim with the paw with a succulent prize and will never stop. And most of the time it won't be a sign that he's hungry, it's a sweet tooth!

8. It can be a real health problem

In a low percentage of cases, the fact that your dog is always hungry can be a sign that he has a health problem such as hyperthyroidism, diabetes or Cushing's syndrome - consult your vet if you notice your pet suddenly becomes insatiable!