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Difference Between Boston Terrier and French Bulldog

If you're interested in learning the differences between Boston Terriers and French Bulldogs, you've come to the right place! But before we get started, let's begin with a brief introduction.

Introduction to the Boston terrier and the French bulldog

Before we look at the differences between the Boston terrier and the French bulldog, we have a question: Have you ever been walking down the street and thought you saw a French bulldog, but you noticed something strange or different, but you didn't know what? The answer is that you didn't actually see a French bulldog, but a Boston terrier.

They are two dog breeds that are very similar at first glance, but actually have many differences, both physical and psychological. Let's show you how to find the differences between a Boston terrier and an English bulldog.

First of all, do you know what a Boston terrier is? This breed is the result of a cross between a bulldog and a terrier, both English. Although it may not seem so, there are visible differences between the Boston terrier and the French bulldog.

Although there are clear differences, the Boston terrier and the French bulldog also have similarities, they are very good choices as pets, with a similar physical demand, affable character and adapted to life at home. They also share the characteristic muzzle, which, although funny, can complicate their lives; the small extension of the muzzle makes it difficult for both dogs to cool off naturally.

How to Tell the Difference Between a Boston Terrier and French Bulldog

If you are simply curious, or if you are looking for a companion animal and want to get to know the two breeds well, let's take a look at the differences between the Boston terrier and the French bulldog:

Do French bulldogs and Boston terriers have the same size?

The first difference to take into account between the Boston terrier and the French bulldog is size.

Boston terrier:

  • Height: 11 - 17 inches.
  • Weight: 11 - 25 pounds.

Boston Terrier Dog Breed - Differences Between the Boston Terrier and French Bulldog
Boston Terrier

French Bulldog:

  • Height: 11 - 15 inches.
  • Weight: 16 - 28 pounds.

French Bulldog Dog Breed - Differences Between the Boston Terrier and French Bulldog
French Bulldog

As you can see, the French bulldog is noticeably larger than the Boston terrier.

Boston Terrier and French Bulldog temperament

Next on our list of differences between Boston terriers and French bulldogs is personality:

  • Boston terrier: are very funny, active, playful and affectionate dogs that love to be with family and enjoy the people they love. They are very intelligent and easy to train. They are suitable to live with children and babies and excellent watchdogs despite their small size.

  • French Bulldog: these dogs are cheerful and docile, making them great to live with children. They are also very affectionate and self-confident, but they will not hesitate to face any obstacle or threat they encounter.

Boston Terrier - Differences Between the Boston Terrier and French Bulldog
Boston Terrier

The feeding of Boston Terriers and French Bulldogs

The third difference between Boston terriers and French bulldogs has more to do with their nutritional needs than with their innate characteristics.

  • Boston terrier: needs a quality diet that is balanced. This means that it can have dry food or canned food, but make sure that the food is high in lean animal protein.

  • French bulldog: the main difference in diet between a French bulldog and a Boston terrier is that the former should have their food intake closely monitored. French Bulldogs are prone to overeating and becoming overweight, which can lead to health problems. Boston Terriers can typically eat the same amount of food as their French Bulldog counterparts without issue.

French Bulldog
French Bulldog

Do French bulldogs share the same health problems as Boston terriers?

Health conditions are also a clear difference between the Boston terrier and the French bulldog.

  • Boston terrier: have a flat muzzle, which can make breathing difficult when exercising. They also have a narrow pelvis, so births are somewhat complicated and are often done by cesarean section. Boston terriers are also prone to developing heart and skin tumors. However, their bulging eyes are prone to damage and need constant vigilance.

  • French Bulldog: has many of the same respiratory problems as the Boston Terrier, due to their short muzzle and small trachea. This can make childbirth difficult for the mother, as the puppies are born with large heads. In some cases, caesarean sections may be necessary. French Bulldogs are also prone to certain types of cancer and genetic malformations.

As you can see, their physical similarities cause very similar problems in both breeds.

French Bulldog Puppy

What care do Boston Terriers and French Bulldogs need in order to stay healthy?

After seeing the physical, temperament, and nutritional differences between Boston terriers and French bulldogs, we will now turn our attention to their care and hygiene needs:

  • Boston terrier: This dog has a smooth, short, fine, and shiny coat. Grooming is quite simple--an occasional bath is enough--and it should be combed frequently with a stiff barbed brush. To clean the face, it is best to gently wipe it every day with a damp cloth. The eyes and ears should be checked often, and nails should be trimmed sporadically.

  • French Bulldog: Need daily care. Their muzzles and the wrinkles on their faces can get dirty and sweaty and start to smell bad if they're not cleaned often. Not cleaning them can also cause infections. Their ears and eyes should also be checked regularly to remove any lint, dirt, etc. Their nails also need an occasional trim.

How much exercise do Boston Terrier and French Bulldog need?

  • Boston terrier: Needs regular walks and outdoor play in large but confined and safe spaces. Avoid the hottest hours in summer to prevent complications with their breathing.

  • French Bulldog: The difference in size between the Boston terrier and the French bulldog affects their physical needs. The French bulldog is more robust, solid and compact, so it will resist more physical exercise than the Boston terrier. A couple of walks of about two kilometers each day, with bouts of playtime, is appropriate.

Which is your favorite breed, the Boston Terrier or the French Bulldog