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Pug Health: 6 Common Problems and How to Prevent Them

There are breeds of dogs that are more prone to certain diseases than others. Each one has its weak points and today we are going to focus on Pug dogs, a breed that, because of its physiognomy and other aspects of its body, is prone to suffer certain specific health problems. These are the most common Pug health problems.

Pug health problems

Pug is one of those dog breeds that don't go unnoticed. Whether for its curious appearance (small and plump body, with a round face, covered with wrinkles and flat nose) or for how friendly and fun they are, is one of the most beloved furry as a pet. Although Dog Universum always remember that it does not matter the breed to love an animal!

If you take good care of him and pay attention to all his health needs, he can live between 12 and 14 years. That's why we're going to explain which pug diseases are the most frequent.

Most Common Pug Health Problems

1. Respiratory diseases

First of all, we have to highlight respiratory diseases. And that flat nose that gives that particular aspect to the race, is because it is a brachycephalic dog. The breeds that suffer this syndrome presents a series of anatomical anomalies that are reflected in the shape of their facial skull (wider and shorter) and affect the nostrils, palate and airways in general.

Have you ever heard a Pug snore while awake and a little agitated? That's why!

These respiratory problems force us to take certain precautions with this furry.

One of them is not to force them to exercise excessively. On the other hand, you have to keep them safe from high temperatures, as they are prone to heat stroke. And keep an eye on the weight! The extra kilos don't help you at all.

The Pug is not the only breed of dog with brachycephalic syndrome, so do the Bulldogs, Boxer and Boston Terrier, among others.

2. Skin diseases

Pugs have wrinkles all over their bodies and this can cause problems if they're not paid attention. When bathing your dog or if you go for a walk and it rains, be sure to thoroughly dry every fold of your dog's skin. This will prevent moisture from remaining on your dog's body, encouraging the appearance of certain fungi and dermatitis.

It's also important that you brush it frequently to remove dirt and dead hair and check that there's nothing between those little wrinkles. With this you will avoid cutaneous infections and allergies, very common in the Pugs if they are not taken care of well.

three pugs

3. Eye diseases

Oh, those eyes that the Pugs have and that make us fall in love! The pity is that those two bulging balls that have for eyes suffer a lot.

Being so big and somewhat "unprotected" by the shape of their face, they tend to be in contact or rubbing against external elements and with the very hairs of their folds. This usually causes ulcers, although they can also suffer conjunctivitis, entropion and what is known as "cherry eye", which is a prolapse in the gland of the third eyelid that dogs have and that makes the gland come out of its red place.

Read also: Why Does My Dog Sleep With His Eyes Open

4. Joint Diseases

One of the most common Pug diseases at the joint level is dislocation of the knee or patellar. This supposes that the kneecap goes out of its natural place.

Another common problem of this breed is the Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, which involves a degeneration of the head of the femur of the hind legs, causing damage to the hip joint.

Hip dysplasia, although more common in larger dog breeds, can also appear in a Pug.

5. Obesity

Pug Obesity Problem

Sure, they look at us with those eyes and we can't deny them anything. Wrong! One of the Pug's most problematic diseases is obesity, as it results in all the other problems we have mentioned.

This breed is very prone to pick up weight, so it is essential that you perfectly control the food rations you give them. In addition, you should always offer him special food for his breed and age.

6. Diseases of the nervous system

There is one disease to which special mention must be made, since it is fatal and its origin is unknown. It is not an exclusive disease of Pug and does not occur in all cases, but it is hereditary, so when you go to adopt a dog you should ask if any of their ancestors suffered.

This is necrotizing encephalitis or meningoencephalitis, or what is the same, an inflammation of the brain and those membranes that surround it, which damage the nervous system of the hairy.
Most Common Pug Health Problems

You know the most common Pug diseases, now take care of it as it deserves!