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How To Train a Puppy To Stop Biting Your Hands

When we have a puppy at home and we start playing with him, it is very likely that we end up with a little bite on our hands that we are not particularly happy about.

Why do these little guys always bite our fingers? And more importantly, how can I avoid it? Here are some tips to teach your puppy to stop biting your hands.

How to Train a Puppy Not to Bite Your Hand

Why does your puppy bite your hands?

We know that smell is one of the most important and most developed senses in dogs. However, when dogs are born, they still do not have a highly developed sense of smell and must be guided by touch.

Because indeed, the fact that our furry friends do not have hands does not mean that they do not have a developed sense of touch.

In their case, their mouth and tongue are used for much more than just appreciating the taste of things. It also works for them to explore the world, and, of course, our hands are a great attraction to that world!

Therefore, it is normal that when they are small, if they have not been trained, they lose control in this way and bite more than they should.

You have to know that it is part of their nature to want to lick your hands or gently bite your fingers to play, but it does not have to go beyond that.

They have to be affectionate gestures, not ones that cause pain!

Tips on how to keep your puppy from biting your hands

It is very important that you solve this problem on time.

Although the problem may not seem to be serious when the puppy is young, you will regret it as the dog grows older if you do not find a solution soon.

The furry one will grow up thinking he is not hurting you with those bites, and when his strength increases, he will have no self-control in games.

You must be clear that dogs have a lot of control over the force they have in their mouths; they just have to know what is right and what is wrong.

Do you know a large-breed dog whose way of 'greeting' you is to stick your arm in his mouth and drool on it without hurting you? That dog will have been properly educated and will know that biting hurts humans.

When teaching your puppy not to bite, he needs to be aware that his bites are hurting you. Dogs are very empathetic and will notice if you are in pain if you send them the right signals.

The moment he bites you, scream (without being excessive). Just let him hear that sound of pain. When a little puppy is in pain playing with another puppy, he also emits a "scream" that makes him stop playing.

It's not about scaring the little furry one away; it's just about sending an audible warning that what he's doing hurts us.

If that doesn't stop the dog from biting, drastically stop the game and look at him. This way, he will associate biting with the end of the fun.

What do I do if he keeps biting my hands?

If he continues to try to bite you, hold him firmly but gently across the chest. If he is restless, say a resounding "NO." Remember, don't hurt him! Once your little one has calmed down, you can let go.

You probably won't get great results the first time, but that's normal. It takes time, like any learning process, so take it easy!

Finally, we advise you to reward his good attitude when he learns to play with you without biting you: give him caresses and good words.

It will also help you to offer him toys that are specifically for biting and take him out frequently for walks and exercise to release all his energy.

He'll fall for it when he gets home and won't think of your hands as his amusement!
