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Are Pomeranians Hypoallergenic?

Pomeranians, also known as German Spitz or Pomeranian Lulu, are known to be very active and intelligent dogs, capable of excelling in various disciplines such as obedience and agility.

They are very popular animals due to their great temperament and ability to coexist with children as long as they are well socialized. At the same time, their small size makes them ideal for apartment living. This makes many people wonder if these dogs are hypoallergenic or not.

Pomeranians are not hypoallergenic dogs because they shed a lot. This encourages the spread of the salivary proteins "Can f1" and "Can f2" in the home, which are found in the animal's dander and cause an allergic reaction.

However, if you have recently adopted a Pomeranian, this does not mean that there are no ways to alleviate allergy symptoms.

In the following article, we hope to help you better understand what allergies are, whether hypoallergenic breeds really exist, and what preventative measures you can take at home to avoid reactions.


Are Pomeranians Hypoallergenic

What should I know about Pomeranian?

Pomeranian or German Spitz dogs, also known as Pomeranian Lulu and Pomeranian Boo, are small breed dogs. According to the standard established by the American Kennel Club, Pomeranians average between 15 and 18 inches in height and weigh between 1.5 and 3 pounds.

The Pomeranian Lulu is the version that corresponds to the breed standard, it is characterized by a fox-like face (with an elongated muzzle).

The Boo Pomeranian, on the other hand, has a bear-like face (the shorter muzzle and rounder cheeks give it the appearance of a teddy bear).

When it comes to the Boo Pomeranian, or bear-faced, it is important to note that due to their reduced anatomical structure, they are predisposed to respiratory problems, just like brachiocephalic breeds.

Another problem is caused by the small size of the skull, which cannot accommodate the brain. This causes a condition known as Chiari malformation, where the brain presses against the walls of the skull. This is a very painful condition for the animal and can lead to paralysis.

In general, there are several types in terms of size, such as the toy or teacup sized Pomeranian. Both types do not exist as such, as the official standard recognizes only one breed, the Pomeranian. However, these terms are typically used to describe dogs that are smaller than average.

As for the coat, it is characterized by being long and at the same time having an undercoat. For this reason, Pomeranians shed their hair relatively often throughout the year. Also, during the seasonal changes (twice a year), they shed abundantly.

As for colors, the standard recognizes the following coats: black, black and tan, blue, blue and tan, blue merle, blue sable (sable is a light yellowish tan color), chocolate, chocolate and tan, cream, cream sable, orange, orange sable, red, red sable, white, white sable, beaver, and tricolor.They are highly intelligent and relatively active dogs. Despite their small size, they excel in canine activities such as agility and obedience competitions. They have an average life expectancy of 12 to 16 years.

They are animals that stand out for being very affectionate with their families, being good with other dogs, and being good with small children.

What causes dog allergies in humans?

Dog allergies are triggered by proteins found in a dog's dander (dead skin flakes), saliva, and urine. The most common culprit proteins are Can f 1 and Can f 2, found in dog saliva. However, allergies can also arise from other substances a dog might pick up on its fur, like pollen, dust mites, or mold. So, sometimes the allergic reaction isn't directly to the dog itself, but to hitchhiking allergens clinging to its fur.

How do allergic reactions occur?

In order for an allergic reaction to occur, the body must first be "sensitized," or exposed to the allergen for the first time.

The organism becomes "hypersensitized", i.e. if it is exposed to the same allergen a second time, its immune system will overreact to it.

This gives rise to the typical picture of an allergic reaction, in which we find the following symptoms: Mild symptoms such as hives or nasal congestion may be present, as well as more severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing, nausea, facial swelling, and/or loss of consciousness.

This overreaction is characterized by an enormous production of a specific type of immunoglobulin called IgE. An antibody (immune system protein) produced by the body to fight antigens such as bacteria, viruses, and allergens.

Are there really hypoallergenic dogs, and what does the science say?

A study compared "hypoallergenic" and "non-hypoallergenic" dog breeds and found surprisingly high levels of Can f 1 protein in the "hypoallergenic" group's hair. This challenges the traditional concept of a truly hypoallergenic breed.

The researchers considered whether certain habits might explain the discrepancy. Homes with "hypoallergenic" dogs often had lower overall allergen levels, suggesting cleaning routines might be a factor. Perhaps due to residents with allergies, these households might have implemented more frequent and thorough cleaning practices, leading to a lower overall allergen burden (including Can f 1) in the environment, including the dogs' fur.

Another interesting finding was a lower concentration of allergens in both the air and fur of spayed or neutered dogs. The exact cause remains unclear, but it might be linked to changes in activity levels after spaying/neutering.

Why Pomeranians Aren't Considered Hypoallergenic

There are two main reasons why Pomeranians aren't considered hypoallergenic:

1. Limited Hypoallergenic Classification: The concept of a truly "hypoallergenic" dog breed is debated. While some breeds shed less, all dogs produce Can f 1 protein, a major dog allergen, in their saliva.

2. Shedding and Dander: Pomeranians shed moderately throughout the year and heavily during seasonal changes. This shedding fur carries dander (dead skin flakes) – another source of allergens. While dander levels are harder to control, frequent shedding increases overall allergen exposure.

Living with Allergies and Pomeranians

If you've recently adopted a Pomeranian or mixed breed and have allergies, you might be wondering if you can live comfortably together. The good news is that some allergy sufferers can manage life with a furry friend.

While a doctor can assess your specific tolerance levels and provide personalized advice, there are general steps you can take.

The referenced study highlights an interesting finding: while coat allergen levels didn't differ significantly between breeds, environmental factors played a role. Though the exact reason remains under investigation, the study suggests that good hygiene practices can significantly reduce allergens.

Therefore, establishing a cleaning routine with frequent vacuuming, air purification, and HEPA filters might create a more allergen-friendly environment.

How can I reduce my dogs allergens at home?

Here are some tips to minimize your allergic reactions while living with your furry Pomeranian friend:

  • Frequent Brushing: Brush your dog outside daily to remove loose fur and dander, which carry allergens.
  • Wipe Paws After Walks: Use a damp towel to clean your dog's paws after walks, removing pollen and other outdoor allergens they might pick up.
  • Separate Sleeping Spaces: Let your dog sleep in a different room with an air purifier to minimize nighttime exposure to allergens.
  • Protect Furniture: Invest in washable covers for furniture or train your dog to use its own bed to reduce allergen buildup on furniture.
  • Minimize Licking: Provide plenty of toys to keep your dog entertained and reduce boredom-induced licking. Excessive licking could also indicate allergies in your dog, so consult your veterinarian if licking persists.
  • Regular Cleaning: Vacuum frequently with a HEPA filter and consider a cleaning robot for daily maintenance. This will significantly reduce allergens and dog hair in your home.


Final considerations

While recent studies challenge the idea of completely "hypoallergenic" breeds, they do highlight the importance of home hygiene routines in managing allergies. This opens doors for people with allergies to potentially live with breeds like Pomeranians, as long as they commit to consistent allergen-reduction measures.