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How to Teach a Dog to Sit and Stay

How to teach a dog to sit is one of the easiest tricks for you to teach, and for the dog to learn.

In fact, the trick of teaching a dog to sit is one of the first tricks to teach a dog, for two reasons: because it is one of the easiest tricks to teach and because it is one of the essential tricks for the education of our dog.

How to Teach your Puppy to Sit and Stay

How to teach the dog to sit

Commanding the dog to sit will help us to concentrate on some task (waiting for a treat, waiting to put the leash on, etc.), to calm his anxiety when he is a bit excited or to inform him to rest because we are going to be in a certain place for a long time.

To teach any basic obedience trick it is essential to follow some basic rules:

  • Teach the dog when he is calm.
  • Repeat the exercise daily in sessions of no more than 5 minutes.
  • Avoid being in a place with distractions. You must try to make your dog focus on you and on what you intend to teach him.
  • Have treats on hand to reinforce the behavior you want him to repeat.

Once you are clear about these little rules you can start teaching your dog to sit.

To do this, follow these steps.

Steps to teach a dog to sit

  • Stand in front of your dog. He should be neither sitting nor lying down.
  • While saying "sit" or whatever monosyllable you choose for it, gently push his hind end until he sits and while doing so praise him with "very good". When he finishes you give him a treat.
  • Repeat this exercise several times and don't be in a hurry for him to learn.
  • The next day, insist again on guiding him while you command him to sit.
  • The time will come when when you order him to sit he will do it on his own.
  • Remember that the first few times you should always reward him.
  • Once he has integrated the learning process, it is not necessary to always give him rewards, but it is important that you praise him either by petting him or by praising him with words.

In this way, your dog will learn how important it is for you that he sits.

Once your dog sits on your command, it is time to teach him to stay still even if you move away from him.

Related: How to Teach Your Dog to Lie Down

How to train your dog to stay beside you

How to train your dog to stay beside you


The objective of this dog training is to make your dog stay still when you are by his side. This is the easiest step.

  • Take 4 treats in your hand.
  • Ask your dog to sit
  • If he stays sitting give him a treat, wait a few seconds and give him another treat.
  • Tell him "Come on" to get up.
  • If he gets up before your release command, sit him again.
  • Repeat this exercise 4 times until you finish your 4 treats.

Repeat this action 5 times per session until your dog stays still with ease. When you have succeeded you can move on to stage 2.

Staying still when going backwards

The objective of this stage is to make your dog stay when he does not see you or is not near you to control him.

  • Ask your dog to sit
  • Stand 1.5 meters away from your dog (the length of your leash).
  • Wait a few seconds and reward him.
  • Walk away several times and wait a little. Come closer and reward him.
  • Repeat this action 3 times.
  • Once you have done this three times stand next to your dog and say go.
  • If he gets up before your release command, sit him again.

Repeat this action 5 times per session until your dog stands still easily. When you have achieved this you can move on to step 3.

Stay still while going backwards and moving

The goal of this stage is for your dog to stay still when you are active. If he moves you he will tend to react and/or follow you.

  • Ask your dog to sit and stand 1.5 meters away from him (the length of your leash).
  • Start moving from left to right
  • Move for a few seconds and if your dog does not move, tell him well and reward him.
  • Walk away several times. Move from left to right for a few seconds and if your dog does not move, move closer and reward him.
  • Repeat this action 3 times.
  • Once you have done this three times, stand next to your dog and say "go".
  • If he gets up before your release command, sit him again.

Repeat this action 5 times per session until you see that the dog stays still easily.

You will have to increase the time progressively but without going far away from him. When your dog knows how to stay still for a long enough time waiting for your release command, you can move on to step 4.

Read also: How To Teach a Dog To Crawl

How do you train a dog to stay when you walk away

The goal of this stage is for your dog to stay still no matter how far away you are. He will associate getting up with the release command and will not move no matter how far away you are.

  • Ask your dog to sit
  • Stand 2 meters away from him
  • Move closer and reward him.
  • Move away from him again.
  • If he stays still, move closer and reward him.
  • You will have to increase the distance progressively (2 meters, 5 meters, 10 meters, etc).
  • Repeat this action 3 times, with the corresponding distance.
  • Once you have done this three times, stand next to your dog and say "go".
  • If he gets up before your release command, sit him again.

Repeat this action 5 times per session until your dog stands still while being away from you with ease.

Stay still with more distance and time

Once you have trained duration and distance, you can train both at the same time. Keep your dog sitting still for longer and longer periods of time and at a greater distance from you.

Sitting still in places with distractions

To prepare your dog to sit still when there are distractions, you have to go to various places where other dogs, other people and different noises might appear.

Sitting still without giving treats

Follow a reward reduction plan to replace food with environmental rewards.


If you follow this method offered by the dog trainer to train your dog to sit and stay, you will not only have a dog that will sit on your command but will be able to stay still until you ask him to stand up in any situation.
